Logistic Motor SRL, a company with a lot of potential, and with a very clever and oriented administration and stuff. I liked them since I saw them first time. Guys, if you’re working with them that mean you are in the best hands. By the way, their activity is Transport services, Logistics, Storage and Handling.
Their website is second in my portfolio, and it’s the first made into Joomla system. I didn’t save any website design, because I never knew I will make such a blog, but, still – I have the website’s header, and the thumbnail overview. This way, you can imagine the design that was.
After a few months running, the website was hacked by “HackMaster” – I don’t really know who that guy is, but we all decided that this action was ordered and arranged by companies’ competitors. So that time, we decided to make another website, but this time in Flash technologies. For me it was something that I never did before, so I just start learning how to do it, and how to make things work in it.
The first design of the website should be this one, but it never was, because I made a totally another design. You will see it right after the first one.
So, you can see this website even nowadays, on www.logisticmotor.md, and, sincerely, there is something to end on it, but I still have to learn how to do it; generally – there are a lot of thing that I have to learn in Flash and Action Script.
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